The Re-Invention of our Lives means Marching off our Maps
Once upon a time, long, long ago, maps were beautifully drawn and bore the inscription ‘Hic Sun Dracones’, Here be Dragons. To the extent that the world was known, it was safe to travel, and you got a green light. Beyond that, travelers were warned that there were dragons at the edge of the maps and that they were starving and just waiting to gobble them up.
In many ways, nothing has changed, and we remain on high alert, watching out for the dragons. Except, the dragons that draw the perimeters of our maps today are the dark shadows of fear that lurk within us. Our careers and our happiest lives are just outside our grasp because we are somehow persuaded by our very, very creative imaginations that something ominous may be lurking on the other side of our choice to embark on an adventure towards our hope and dreams. And so, we stay put!
Fear can be debilitating, but knowing and understanding your fear is the first step to facing and overcoming it. Whenever you want to grow or take on any change in your career, or any aspect of your life, there will be a voice in your head that will work to the point of exhaustion to stop you in your tracks.
There is NO POINT in avoiding it. At some point, you will be thrust out of your inaction, AKA your ‘comfort zone’. All growth and all change involve a leap of faith. Yet, with some research and with some strategic planning you can reduce the anxiety and move in the direction of your hopes and dreams. You are entitled to a career of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. What will it take for you take that leap of faith and create that career and life you so desperately yearn for?
Once you know and understand your fear, you can determine what is real and what is assumed and what it is that is truly holding you back. Avoiding your fear will not help to resolve it. On the contrary, it will only set you up for a life of regret.
There is NO POINT in avoiding it. At some point, you will be thrust out of your inaction, AKA your ‘comfort zone’. All growth and all change involve a leap of faith. Yet, with some research and with some strategic planning you can reduce the anxiety and move in the direction of your hopes and dreams. You are entitled to a career of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. What will it take for you take that leap of faith and create that career and life you so desperately yearn for?
Inevitably, your stuckness and your worries revolve around the issues listed below. There are things you can do about EACH and EVERY one of them. Just create the space and the focus to work through and to work with your concerns and little by little, your fears WILL dissipate and make space for growth and opportunities you cannot even begin to anticipate or imagine.
You are unsure what is driving your dissatisfaction in your current career situation.
You are experiencing a lack of motivation
You have limiting beliefs about your ability to find something that works for you
Frustration and anger about a career change that has been forced on you
Lack of time. Time is a function of priorities and boundaries.
Lack of money or unwillingness to take a decrease in salary or to retrain
Family and/or friends questioning your change.
Our biggest transformations are often the result of a single decision. And if you’ve ever contemplated a career change, or tried to create a career path that excites you, ask yourself the question: ‘If not now, then when?’